Noise Cancelling Headphones With Air Purifier, For The Traveler Who Wears Masks When They Fly


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Apr 18, 2023

Noise Cancelling Headphones With Air Purifier, For The Traveler Who Wears Masks When They Fly

by Gary Leff on May 21, 2023 You want to watch your shows, you don’t

by Gary Leff on May 21, 2023

You want to watch your shows, you don't want to hear babies crying on the plane, and you… don't want to get Covid-19 again. Who knew there was one product to address all of these needs – at once?

Most people I see flying and wearing masks are wearing medical masks. I completely get those who don't want to wear masks anymore, and I completely get those who don't want to get sick and wear an N95 mask. I wanted to before the pandemic, like was already common in Asia, but thought it would seem to weird. What I don't understand is people who wear masks, but wear masks that aren't very protective. That seems like the worst of both worlds.

But if you’ve got $1,000 to invest you can replace your Bose noise cancelling headphones and your N95s with a single device, the Dyson Zone headphones with air purification which claims to provide both active noise cancelling, and filtered air excluding particles down to 0.1 micron.

You aren't permitted to wear body tents or masks that impair your ability to hear flight attendants in the event of an emergency. P100 masks can even get a passenger in trouble.

But noise cancelling headphones are permitted! So why not bundle your headphones with masking. I’m not sure I’d invest in that, and I’m not dropping a grand on it, but surely someone will?

(HT: David H)